The death of Blockbuster rentals

For a brief period in the early 00s, right before DVD's were coming to the forefront of mainstream, renting videos from your local Blockbuster was a normality. Transporting yourself into another world where shelf after shelf of VHS tapes lined the shop. To kids growing up in 2018, this is weird to think but renting... Continue Reading →

How the UK Office changed the way we look at TV

Deep in the heart of Slough, a revolutionary British sit-com was born. Set in the fictional workplace of the Wernham Hogg Paper Company, The Office was a documentary style comedy revolving around life in a mundane, dank office that seemingly could have been anywhere in the UK. However, it was in front of this unremarkable... Continue Reading →

The TV Shows of Our Childhood

The 90’s and 00’s were a great time for childhood TV shows. Usually, a story with a moral behind it, these shows are what shaped us as people and entertained us throughout our formative years. Here is a summary of some of the shows we grew up watching: The big yellow sun with the baby... Continue Reading →

’90s Chick Flicks We Love

We’re all guilty to a night in enjoying a chick flick from the ‘90s. Cheesy lines, below-par filming and Julia Roberts is the perfect evening at home. Grab your popcorn, your blankets and a push pop because these are the top chick flicks from the ‘90s you need to watch. 9. Girl, Interrupted (1999) A... Continue Reading →

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