Five of the most iconic photos of the 90s

  1. The death of Princess Diana

    Diana’s Mercedes being towed after the crash.

    There was a reason that Princess Diana was known as ‘The People’s Princess’, she was a hard-working philanthropist, raising awareness for diseases such as AIDS and winning the public’s affection in the process. That’s why the nation seemed to fall into ubiquitous grief when on the morning of August 31st, 1997, she was announced dead following a crash in the Pont de l’Alma road tunnel in Paris, France. After being hounded by paparazzi, the vehicle she was travelling in crashed, leaving behind two boys and a series of photographs that stuck in the minds of a nation.

  2. Tony Blair Wins the 1997 ElectionBlair

    The victory of Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’ in 1997 marked a significant shift in British politics, winning a massive majority and landing themselves 418 seats in the process. Blair’s politics seem a world away from the Labour Party we see today, although it’s worth bearing in mind that he was the last Labour candidate to win a general election.

  3. The famine in Sudan The vulture and the little girl

    This photograph was taken amidst the political and civil unrest in the Sudan, a sad story where the people played the victims. Unfortunately, famine is no stranger to the Sudan, however this photo drives home the true impact in a harrowing way. The Pulitzer winning photograph was taken by Kevin Carter, who unfortunately committed suicide, siting what he saw there as a cause.

  4. Nelson Mandela FreedMandela

    One of the world’s leading figures for peace and co-operation, Nelson Mandela was freed Robbin Island prison on the 11th of February 1990. Following his release, he negotiated the end of apartheid in South Africa and subsequently went on to win the 1994 election with the ANC Party to become Prime Minister.

  5. The Columbine ShootingColumbine

    On the 20th of April 1999 two high school teenagers, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, went into Columbine High School in Colorado and opened fire on their fellow students. In total, 15 were killed including the two shooters. To this day it remains one of the worst mass shooting in America, gaining infamy around the world.

By Ryan Pointon



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